Information Standards Quarterly, Winter 2009
Letter from the Editor
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Over the past year, ISQ has undergone some significant transitions, as it moved from a newsletter to a more inclusive magazine. It is fitting that we’ve made these changes to invigorate ISQ just as NISO is expanding its scope as an organization. You will notice that with this issue, we’ve listened to reader feedback and improved the design. Behind the scenes, we have restructured the editorial and production processes at ISQ. Cynthia Hodgson, a long-time member of the NISO standards development team, has been appointed Managing Editor. Jay Datema continues to solicit and contribute articles as Content Editor. We are continuing to expand and diversify the content and improve the information you receive in ISQ.
We start off this 70th anniversary year with two retrospective articles. The first is one in a series of timelines we will have in ISQ this year looking back on NISO’s first four decades. Part 1 covers the period from the organization’s founding through its formal non-profit incorporation in the 1980s. The second retrospective article is our annual review of NISO’s activities, reflecting on the work that was advanced in 2008. Looking forward, Jeremy Frumkin, Chair of NISO's Architecture Committee, discusses the strategic work that is underway by that committee.
This issue also includes an insightful feature article from Karen Coyle on metadata and the complexity of bibliographic data in a web-based world, focusing in particular on her work with the Open Library. Another feature by Abigail Bordeaux reviews the state of e-resource management and the need to streamline the processes that libraries use to administer their electronic collections. Jay Datema has contributed an editorial on usage measures and the impact that studying usage has had on our community. We have an editorial from NISO’s Board Chairman, Oliver Pesch, on his selection of single sign-on authentication as the Chair’s Initiative and a meeting report from a NISO webinar on this same topic.
NISO’s predecessor, the Z39 committee, was founded during a challenging era—the Great Depression. Today we are facing another difficult environment, with long-established companies and organizations struggling to stay afloat. So we are pleased that NISO can still engage the community on important issues and make a positive impact on information distribution. Libraries have long realized that sharing resources reduces costs. By focusing on NISO’s mission of developing standard methods for information distribution, management, re-use, and preservation, we can all succeed at doing more with a little less.

Table of Contents
Metadata Mix and Match
Karen Coyle
(Page 8)
Using Standards to Tame Electronic Resource Management
Abigail Bordeaux
(Page 12)
Are You Paying Attention?
Jay Datema
(Page 19)
Standard Spotlight
An Interview with Gail Wanner: NCIP-IG Chair
Rob Walsh
(Page 21)
NISO Reports
Perfecting Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication in an Imperfect World
Oliver Pesch
(Page 23)
NISO's Architecture Committee
Jeremy Frumkin
(Page 25)
Single Sign-On Authentication: A NISO Webinar
Cynthia Hodgson
(Page 27)
Feedback Requested on NISO Standards Being Considered for Possible Withdrawal
(Page 28)
Community Version of Framework for Building Good Digital Collections
(Page 29)
NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol Revised
(Page 29)
International ISTC Agency Open for Business
(Page 29)
New Implementations for the DAISY/NISO Talking Book Standard
(Page 30)
Federal Agencies Collaborate on Guidelines for Digitization
(Page 30)
ARL Statistics "Counting Serial Titles" Webcast Archive Now Available
(Page 31)
Object Reuse and Exchange Production Release
(Page 31)
ISSN International Centre Implements Software System for ISSN-L
(Page 32)
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Incorporates in Singapore
(Page 33)
RDA First Full Draft Released
(Page 33)
State of the Standards
NISO 2008 Year in Review
(Page 36)
TC46 Year in Review
(Page 38)
NISO Standards Portfolio
(Page 41)
Front Matter
Publication Date:
Volume/Issue: 21/1
DOI: 10.3789/isqv21n1
ISSN: 1041-0031