Standards in Development: September 30, 2014

Listed below are the NISO working groups that are currently developing new or revised standards, recommended practices, or reports. Refer to the NISO website ( and the Newsline quarterly supplements, Working Group Connection (, for updates on the working group activities.

Note: DSFTU stands for Draft Standard for Trial Use.

Access and License Indicators (formerly Open Access Metadata and Indicators)
Co-chairs: Cameron Neylon, Ed Pentz, Greg Tananbaum
Recommended Practice (NISO RP-22-201x) being finalized for publication following the public comment period.

Journal Article TAG Suite Standing Committee
Co-chairs: Jeff Beck, B. Tommie Usdin
Revision of the JATS standard (Z39.96-201x) in development.

Journal Article Versions (JAV) Addendum
Chair: Michael Dellert
Revised Recommended Practice (NISO RP-9-201x) in development.

Open Discovery Initiative
Co-chairs: Marshall Breeding, Jenny Walker
Recommended Practice Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery (NISO RP-19-2014) published.

Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content
Co-chairs: Leslie Johnston, Kimberly Tryka

Recommended Practice (NISO RP-23-201x) in development.

Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP)
Co-chairs: John Bodfish, Ted Koppel

Standard (NISO Z39.100-201x) in development.

Co-chairs: Paul Needham, Oliver Pesch

Technical Report (NISO TR-06-201x) in development.

SUSHI Standing Committee
Co-chairs: Marie Kennedy, Oliver Pesch

Revision of the SUSHI Protocol standard (Z39.93-201x) at ballot.

US Profile of ISO 3166 Country Codes
Chair: TBD

Working group being formed to develop standard (Z39.101-201x).